Benchmarking Structural Inference Methods for Dynamical Interacting Systems

Welcome to the page of Benchmarking Structural Inference Methods for Dynamical Interacting Systems.


The DoSI dataset is a collection of synthetic dynamical systems.

  • The dataset contains more than 213,445 trajectories of interacting dynamical systems.
  • The features are one-dimensional or four-dimensional.
  • The trajectories with Gaussian noise enable the objective evaluation of the robustness of structural inference methods.

See the following pages for details:


Jun. 13, 2024 Website and GitHub updated with EMT results and RCSI results.

Sep. 25, 2023 Website and GitHub updated for double-blind submission.

Apr. 07, 2023 Website is online.

Apr. 02, 2023 Documentation is available.

Mar. 20, 2023 Code is available at Github (Link disabled for submission).