
Download datasets.

Noise-free Trajectories of DoSI Dataset

Links to download data.

The data are packed according to the number of nodes in the graph and the type of simulation. Will include larger graphs in the future.

a) Trajectories with Springs Simulation

Graph Types 15 - 100 Nodes 150 Nodes 200 Nodes 250 Nodes
Brain Networks (BN) Link - - -
Chemical Reaction Networks in Atmosphere (CRNA) Link - - -
Food Webs (FW) Link - - -
Gene Coexpression Networks (GCN) Link - - -
Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN) Link - - -
Intercellular Networks (IN) Link - - -
Landscape Networks (LN) Link - - -
Man-made Organic Reaction Networks (MMO) Link - - -
Reaction Networks inside Living Organism (RNLO) Link - - -
Social Networks (SN) Link - - -
Vascular Networks (VN) Link - - -

b) Trajectories with Netsims Simulation

Graph Types 15 - 100 Nodes 150 Nodes 200 Nodes 250 Nodes
Brain Networks (BN) Link - - -
Chemical Reaction Networks in Atmosphere (CRNA) Link - - -
Food Webs (FW) Link - - -
Gene Coexpression Networks (GCN) Link - - -
Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN) Link - - -
Intercellular Networks (IN) Link - - -
Landscape Networks (LN) Link - - -
Man-made Organic Reaction Networks (MMO) Link - - -
Reaction Networks inside Living Organism (RNLO) Link - - -
Social Networks (SN) Link - - -
Vascular Networks (VN) Link - - -

Trajectories with Noise of DoSI Dataset

Links to download data. The trajectories with noise only consist of those generated with graphs of no more than 100 nodes. Will include larger graphs in the future.

Graph Types Noise Level 1 Noise Level 2 Noise Level 3 Noise Level 4 Noise Level 5
Brain Networks (BN) Link Link Link Link Link
Chemical Reaction Networks in Atmosphere (CRNA) - - - - -
Food Webs (FW) - - - - -
Gene Coexpression Networks (GCN) - - - - -
Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN) - - - - -
Intercellular Networks (IN) - - - - -
Landscape Networks (LN) - - - - -
Man-made Organic Reaction Networks (MMO) - - - - -
Reaction Networks inside Living Organism (RNLO) - - - - -
Social Networks (SN) - - - - -
Vascular Networks (VN) - - - - -

EMT Trajectories

EMT dataset can be downloaded from Link.